A Tale of Two States: A Different Approach !!!

“Woe for a nation that eats from what it doesn’t plant and wears from what it doesn’t sew”    Chinese wisdom.

And this is how in a few decades China turned out from a feudal country into the first industrial country and will soon beat the States… This is how and why China produces all what the whole world needs… at the time the Arab world (still ruled by the Sykes-Picot plot through which the Arab area was divided into pieces) imports every single thing it needs, and even forced to buy what it doesn’t need in lots of cases (like the new military arsenals to be used against a neighbor or a brother country… but never against the occupiers that fill our region)

A few  weeks ago, a friend of mine (was a classmate) came to consult me in building his house (stupidly) thinking that I am a genius planner and builder… he got the excuse, because (after working for ten years –since I was a child- in all what you can imagine of works, specially construction) I could plan and work out nearly every single thing with my own house- starting from drawing and redrawing the maps for nights, digging the bases, building the walls, the iron bars, the roof, planning and installing electricity and water systems…etc,.. and all that because I worked enough to learn what I need, and you cant imagine how much I saved, but I did that not because I wanted to save but because I didn’t have enough to pay the workers !!! It took me 13 months to finish my house of sqm107 !! I took my friend to a local store where you can buy all what you can think of construction infrastructure; cement, pipes, wires (any size), tubs, faucets, showers, tiles, lightening…etc, etc, etc… When we reached the gate, there was a big sign (This store is clean from the products and services of the zionist settlements) and when we got inside we found nothing but settlement products !!! You see how blatantly and unashamedly we are liars?  Why? The hell, tell me why !!

Look at the eyes to see the lies !

Burqan, is a big and well known industrial city, sorry settlement, in the heart of the West Bank, and it produces around 150 products of furniture, chemicals, plastic products (all what you can imagine of profitable plastic products), food, drinks, detergents, … almost all what you need at home…. But why the hell we lie? Why our “reverent” “government” spends millions of dollars for brochure, campaigns, TV programs, staffs, interviewing “specialists”, collecting data… all for a big lie?

This spring I started building a small mini-market in our tiny village. It took me six weeks to finish every single thing with my own hands- and it was exactly like what I wanted it to be .. after two months of the opening, I can tell you that most of what I sell is from “our neighbors” the rampaging settlers, the modern copy of the American fugitive cowboy .. Do I have the choice? Of course not. Even when I warn costumers (all are my cousins…. And if you don’t know we, Bedouins, have 500,000 cousins) some tell me: so what? Isn’t it edible?  Others even recommend certain products knowing that they are from their oppressor !!!


In “israel”, there is a system of vocational school called “Reshet Amal” of which you can find one in every town, and several in the big  cities…. And as “israel” is a “so democratic” state and the only “democratic oasis in the Middle East”, they (the Zionists) have two different systems of those Amal schools for the jewish settlers other than the system for the indigenous Palestinian villages and towns:  In the jewish system, they provide courses that produce fighters, snipers, security agents, economists, interrogators, armed guard, computer and net experts, hackers, musicians, painters,  site managers (to control and watch at the Palestinian workers) and mostly of what is called (white jobs)… however, the indigenous Palestinians are forced to choose the dirty careers of builders, garbage cleaners, servants, cooks, toilers … if not, they got to face the street and end into a dead end !!!

This way, this systematic teaching and training, makes the difference, creates and molds the generation you want !!!

This is all done with the approval under the auspice of the GRAND WB… yes, you heard it well, The WORLD BANK !!!  Also there is a very similar program that is conducted by the UNRWA vocational centers to produce the same quality of Palestinian servants … (in the early 1980s, when the “israeli” building market needed more and more dirty workers, the UNRWA launched a wide program in every Palestinian refugee camp to prepare the refugees to work and serve their oppressor as builders, tilers, bleachers, servants (in cooperation with the zionists of course) ) … but the problem is that when you ask the UNRWA officers, they will boast of helping the “poor refugees” to win their bread … the hell with the UNRWA’s well-planned programs !!!


Two years ago, a friend of mine, a lawyer, a classmate too ( Didn’t I tell you that we, Bedouins, also have 500,000 friends?) told me a strange story: this lawyer (got his MA in International Law from Paris, and now preparing for his PhD dissertation- see? despite the UNRWA programs, we are not all builders) was working for a Law Institution. The manager held a meeting for the workers to decide “democratically” to rent a car, to decide its type, model and probably its color and accessories. After a heated discussion my friend suggested that it is a stupid idea to rent a car for two years, it is a waste for the donor’s money to pay some 30,000 USD (that apart from the daily fuel) to rent a car that doesn’t cost a third of this sum to buy it. He suggested buying a new one and using it for two years, then to sell it again, and this will cost them not more that 10% of the suggested sum… The Law Institute owner, sorry, the manager said a big NO. But why sir manager, businessman or whatever? The manager said that we are not allowed to buy, it is not only that, but also we have to choose from a “wide range” of certain car-rent companies. ”Who said that?”, my friend asked. “It is the donor, the WORLD BANK” !!!

You see? This is how the money is dictated to create a New Middle East in which “israel” is the dominant player militarily, economically, politically  and whatever you like –lly.

This could explain the reason behind the crises between Egypt and USAID. between Gaza and the USAID that happened this month, in wich the USAID stopped all its projects in Gaza… they dont want any one to interfere in their programs, not even the relevant countries and communities…. they, the USAID and such “humanitarian” agencies are not more than the economic arm for the intelligence agencies, they aim to set programs that facilitate their control…. every Western country has its own “humanitarian” agency


The Story started some 100 years ago. At 1917 (the date of Balfour Declaration) when the Palestinian economy was (comparatively) one of the most developed and modernized economies in the region:

Israel Zangwill, who had visited Palestine in 1897 and came face-to-face with the demographic reality. He stated in 1905 in a speech to a Zionist group in Manchester that: “[Palestine is] ALREADY TWICE AS THICKLY POPULATED AS THE UNITED STATES” (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 10)

It took the British occupiers exactly 30 years to accomplish their promise to the jews; to -systematically- devastate the Palestinian economic and social structure, to kick the Palestinians out of their homes…and… build a modern, powerful and stable jewish colonizer society. This has happened deliberately, and step-by-step while deceiving the Arabs with the “good intention” of the government of His Britannic Majesty King George the Fifth in London. The trick passed and they transplanted a “nation” into the Arab body, however, we are still, after 100 years, suffering the side effects of planting that cancer of the Zionist entity.

Shall I stop  here?


After the establishment of the Zionist entity on the rubble of Palestine, the French government was a major player in aiding the Zionists, both in the 1956 sub-war and later (after knowing that “israel” is defenseless without the Nuclear Weapon) in building the Zionist Nuclear core in more than a site in “israel” … France got it share in adopting the bastard !! The American role in nurturing the “poor jewish state” emerged like a rocket after the war of 1973… the American role in aiding the Zionist entity dosnt need any further explanation after mentioning the  yearly unconditioned almost 4 billion USD, this is other than the unlimited military aids like those shipments sent to the Zionists while they were burning Gaza !!

Do you know Kurtz? Not my friend in no way, though I have dozens-virtually at least !! Kurtz, is the main character in “Heart Of Darkness” , [a short novella, strongly recommended] the masterpiece of Joseph Conrad. Conrad describes Kurtz as half polish half German, educated in France and served the British Crown. Conrad says: he is the breed of whole Europe. This Kurtz (as Conrad described him over 100 years ago) was in a “holy mission” to educate Africa, but he ended up a real curse for Africa, and turned into a cannibal opening his mouth wide to swallow the “white gold” of that time, the African ivory… Now we have our Kurtz now represented in the Zionist entity that turned into the butcher of the age, protecting the West greed of the “black gold” of the Arabia !!

Why Iran?

It took the Britons thirty years to kick the Palestinians out, and the French a few years to create Nuclear Zionist state that is eligible and entitled to any new technology specially the deadly ones…. The so “democratic” West, was about to make the Apartheid South Africa a nuclear state for them to be able to control the whole of Africa from Cape-Town …BUT… the democratic  and forgiving South Africa is banned from getting nuclear Power, even for peaceful purposes. Why? This is how the whole west (talking of  governments and capital) is backing the Zionist entity; the only colonial occupying “state” on earth, not only with the Nuclear weapons, but also with the most modern and updated killer technology. Why?


When Iran was ruled by a feudal dictator, the so “democratic” States started backing him with the nuclear knowledge, and even built a primitive core … BUT… after the public Islamic revolution it became a rogue country, that not only prevented from getting any scientific knowledge, but also besieged to be deprived from developing even its own knowledge.

Why? You see? A tale of two cities, two states, or even two tiny villages… never mind, but it is the politics of the whole world including its “benevolent” UNRWA and Grand WB !!

To keep enslaving the weak, to keep monopolizing the market !! Nuclear Iran would mean a New Middle East other than that one of Ms Condie or that one drawn by the end of WW1, a new middle east that will be free off the American supported Arab dictators… to create it own future, to have its full independence off the transnation (American dominated) companies !!


But why to live the lie… our deadly lie of our so “lovely” and  American dominated PA? Stop lying my dears, we will never be able to boycott the Zionist products… stop the lie of the “Palestinian economy”, there is nothing like that at all. The Palestinian economy has been devastated decades ago. We are just consumers for the Zionist products that are cultivated from our land by our hands and you got to thank the UNRWA for training us to work and serve the “genius jewish mind” !!

If you want to help me fishing let me develop my own boat… don’t destroy my boat and train me to fish for you day-by-day The “Palestinian economy” ? what a big joke… our PA managers and VIP holders are not more than  sub-sub-subagents for the Zionist businessmen. And our economy has completely been annexed to the Zionist one (thanks for the West, UNRWA and WB policy) decades ago !

Stop the lie and say it frankly that the West got sick of funding the occupation. That you are just managers for the tax revenue (mostly of the Zionist products). … the boycott campaign is just a lie, why you don’t admit? It only aims to control the whole market and to milk the already impoverished people, to get enough money to pay the occupation police .. you think you will get a state by obeying the American orders and milking your own people?  Stop the lie, stop devastating our economy first by annexing it more deep into the Zionist shark. Try the most primitive way of developing a primitive local and popular economy, micro-economy. There is space, there are minds (probably not as good as the “genius jewish mind”, but still we have minds to build our own boat and start fishing !!

The West got sick of funding a corrupt PA, they (the West) are seriously working on finishing our issue and give the rest to the oppressor, they wont give you a boat but will break you small boat…Saudi Arabia?  it is the slave of the big boss, it boasted of announcing donating 2 billion to Gaza but nothing arrived, nothing at all… build on your own nation, on your own children We will never be able to build a state under occupation, not even with the existence of the transplant Zionist entity In short, all the efforts of the West (including the “humanitarian” aids) are directed to create one fact of two cities; a Huge industrial zionist settlement neighboring an impoverished Palestinian refugee camp, a powerful transplanted zionist “state” snarling at impoverished, devastated and divided Arab cantons !!!

At the Spring of the Arab Street (two years ago I started talking of “my beloved man of the street” in my posts ) I have a VISION OF HOPE. Not that vision of hope built on the catholic marriage between capital and occupation to deceive the greedy agents… but a VISION OF HOPE that is built on the masses of the street to create a better future for the whole region without the side effects of the Zionist transplant… without the existence of the cancer itself !!

8 thoughts on “A Tale of Two States: A Different Approach !!!

  1. Sami: My heart goes out to you and why would you not be losing hope. After 100 years and the west pouring money into the zionist oppressors, to keep them going with their violence and their obscenities. To me the Balfour was a BIG mistake. It was Roosevelt that thought that Jews and Muslims are all children of God and that they would progress together. How wrong, how naive, how idiotic to ever think kindly of the zionists. Please don’t lose all hope Sami You have lovely children, you must keep going. Lots of love Maggie


  2. Palestinians are experiencing the same thing that the indigenous people of the continent of north, south, central America and the Carribian’ experienced. Genocide, ethnic cleansing, death destruction of civilizations, cultures, and the land. Every part of Mother Earth is subjected to exploitation of anything that is important for consumption by Empire. No people are immune, Israel is an appendix with the only nuclear capacity in the immediate geo, cultural, political, economic area that exists to advance the agenda of Empire. Eventually the oil will be exhausted, there exist a limit to what exists and Empire knows this. All the people that currently occupy the land of oil will one day be literally the slaves of Empire with their cultures, lands and humans subjected to the consumptive needs of Empire. War consumes more of mother earth’ resources needed to sustain human’ ability to live than all other initiatives combined. Humanity must evolve consciously too resolve to make war no more thus Peace Must Be The Only Goal Of All Humanity. All Our Relations, Blessings, Namaste, And So It Is.


  3. Thanks Sami for your exposure of how the Western humanitarian agencies, the UNRWA, and the educational system are designed to colonize the Palestinian people through “aid”. Keep writing my friend and comrade:) I shared this piece with my fb friends and will try to read more of your work.


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